sábado, 4 de abril de 2009

[Reespublica] Fwd: Breaking News: UN Commission Ends with Delegates Saying No to Abortion

Queridos Colegas,

Quiza ya esten informados. Gracias a las demandas de los
representantes de Malta, Iraq, Iran, y Santa Lucia,
los terminos equivocos de "salud sexual y reproductiva" no fueron
incluidos en los acuerdos de la reciente reunion del Programa
Internacional sobre Desarrollo y Poblacion de las Naciones Unidas.

Sigamos orando porque los lideres del mundo (y todos en general)
puedan abrir sus mentes y entender que el aborto le roba la vida a
seres humanos inocentes y dan~a a las mujeres. Que el Sen~or mueva
sus mentes y corazones para prestar atencion a los problemas de las
mujeres, especialmente de aquellas que sufren abuso y pobreza y
trabajen para encontrar soluciones reales y formas de empoderarlas
para que no tengan que pensar en el aborto como una forma de
"disminuir" sus problemas.

Copio abajo el mensaje de Austin Ruse, Presidente del Instituto
Catolico de Familia y Derechos Humanos. Le he pedido que me envie una
traduccion al espan~ol, espero que pueda. Mientras tanto, copio abajo
el mensaje original en ingles.

Un abrazo,

Nina Balmaceda, Ph.D.
Advocates International
Coordinadora para America Latina

"Toda la piedad del domingo no podrá jamás tomar el lugar de la
integridad del miércoles."

"No amount of piety on Sunday will take the place of integrity on Wednesday."
Elton Trueblood

Las tildes han sido omitidas en este mensaje para evitar la
desconfiguracion de las letras.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Austin Ruse <austin.ruse@c-fam.org>
Date: Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 8:59 PM
Subject: Breaking News: UN Commission Ends with Delegates Saying No to Abortion
To: ninabalmaceda@gmail.com

Friday Fax
 April 3, 2009 | Volume 12, Special Edition

Dear Colleague,

We report this breaking news. There has been an unexpected victory at
the UN meeting that ended just minutes ago.

Spread the word.

Yours sincerely,

Austin Ruse

UN Commission Ends with Delegations Saying No to Abortion

By Samantha Singson

     (NEW YORK – C-FAM)  As the sun rose on the last day of
negotiations at the Commission on Population and Development (CPD) at
the United Nations (UN) today, delegations were still embroiled in a
contentious debate over language concerning "sexual and reproductive
health and rights," which some radical NGOs and UN committees have
interpreted and used to promote abortion. As UN member states came
together at the closing meeting to adopt the document, delegations
took the floor to define abortion out of the document.

     Up until the eleventh hour, the contentious term "sexual and
reproductive health and rights" remained in the draft document. Just
prior to adoption, Iran took the floor to object to the phrase which
has never before been included in any negotiated UN document.  Iran
stressed that the term remained problematic for a number of
delegations and urged the Commission to revert back to previously
agreed upon and carefully negotiated language from the 1994
International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Program
of Action, which is understood not to create any right to abortion.

     In an attempt to get consensus, the chairwoman from Mexico
suspended the meeting and after twenty minutes, returned to the room
and announced that Iran's proposal would be accepted and that the term
"sexual and reproductive health and rights" would be removed from the
text.  The document was then adopted by consensus.

     Several delegations, however, went further and made statements to
explicitly define abortion out of the CPD document and to reiterate
that the document created no new rights.  Comoros, Peru, Poland,
Ireland, Chile, the Holy See, Malta, and Saint Lucia spoke out against
the other remaining reproductive health-related terms such as
"reproductive rights," "reproductive health services" and "sexual and
reproductive health" and emphasized that these could not be construed
to "support, endorse or promote" abortion.

     Malta's ambassador stated that his delegation was finding it more
difficult in accepting the resolutions of UN bodies like the CPD where
there were consistent attempts to expand "reproductive health" to
include abortion.

     Saint Lucia made an explicit objection to the term "safe
abortion" because the term could "give the impression that abortion
was a procedure completely free of medical and psychological risks."
Saint Lucia also highlighted a provision in the CPD document which
called on states where abortion was legal to "train and equip health
service providers and should take such measures to ensure that such
abortion is safe and accessible."  The Saint Lucian representative
stressed that her delegation understood this provision did not impact
the right of healthcare providers to refuse to perform or be complicit
in abortions as a matter of conscience, stating, "Again, no new rights
are created or acknowledged in this document, and the universal right
to conscience can in no way be overridden or weakened."

     Only the representative of Norway expressed regret that the term
"sexual and reproductive rights" was not accepted in the text, saying
that his country had widespread access to abortion and virtually no
negative effects on women.

     The CPD will next meet in April 2010.

Editor in Chief  –  Austin Ruse
Managing Editor  –  Piero Tozzi
Assistant Managing Editor  –  Hannah Russo
Chief Correspondent  –  Samantha Singson
Contributors  –  Susan Yoshihara / Katharina Rothweiler

© Copyright 2009 Permission granted for unlimited use. Credit required.
866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 495, New York, NY 10017
Subscribe | Unsubscribe | To update your subscription email hannah@c-fam.org.

Nina Balmaceda, Ph.D.
Advocates International
Coordinadora para America Latina

"Toda la piedad del domingo no podrá jamás tomar el lugar de la
integridad del miércoles."

"No amount of piety on Sunday will take the place of integrity on Wednesday."
Elton Trueblood

Las tildes han sido omitidas en este mensaje para evitar la
desconfiguracion de las letras.


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