viernes, 7 de enero de 2011

[Reespublica] Webinar para profesores de inglés. 12 y 14 de enero [Archivo adjunto 1]

[Más abajo se incluyen archivos adjuntos de JORGE MARQUEZ CH.]

Estimados todos,


A continuación enviamos una invitación a un seminario virtual (webinar) para profesores de inglés que transmitiremos el 12 y 14 de enero desde la Embajada de EEUU en Lima.


Agradecemos compartir esta invitación con sus contactos que trabajen en la enseñanza del idioma inglés.



Information Resource Center Director |  Director del Centro de Información




Webinar for English Teachers:  Teaching Vocabulary



We are pleased to invite you to participate in a Webinar on English teaching methodology, organized by the US Embassy in Lima, Peru.    





Teaching Vocabulary


Vicky Holdridge, Senior English Language Fellow  


Wednesday, January 12 from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and Friday, January 14 from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m.


Join us from a computer with audio and internet access through; choose the option "Enter as a Guest", register yourself entering your name and city (Example:  Marcela – Lima) and click on "Enter Room".


* If you want to submit your questions in advance, click on the link above and enter or write to                           



Are you looking for new ways to introduce vocabulary?  Could you use some fresh ideas to get students to use what they have learned? In the upcoming webinar we will demonstrate and discuss several strategies for practicing vocabulary. We will also discuss themes such as adding variety to the class, adapting activities for different levels, and creating interactive lessons with minimal prep time. By the end of the session, participants will be full of teaching techniques and inspiration they can use immediately.


Our Speaker

Vicky Holdridge, Senior English Language Fellow, Peru

Vicky Holdridge earned a Masters in Teaching from the School for International Training.  She has ten years of experience teaching English and training  teachers, and is the co author of a text book series called Interactive English.  Her specialty is creating easy, effective, and engaging class activities.  Vicky is now the Senior English Language Fellow here in Peru, and looks forward to collaborating with teachers and sharing ideas.


Please find attached material that will help you get more out of the webinar. 



Archivos adjuntos de JORGE MARQUEZ CH.

Archivo 1 de 1

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