Nina Balmaceda
Advocates International
Coordinadora para America Latina
"Toda la piedad del domingo no podrá jamás tomar el lugar de la integridad del miércoles."
"No amount of piety on Sunday will take the place of integrity on Wednesday."
Elton Trueblood
Las tildes han sido omitidas en este mensaje para evitar la desconfiguracion de las letras.
Dear friends,
Another brief update:
1. We are publishing in today's Världen idag that the IOGT-NTO Sweden bylaws etc are different from the international ones; in one very crucial statement:
Everyone is entitled to personal freedom and is obliged to work for the improvement of the quality of life of all people. IOGT International seeks to promote democracy at all levels of society, which means that all citizens must have the opportunity to actively participate in decision-making processes and freely express their opinions.
The Swedish IOGT does NOT have "…and freely express their opinions".
2. Tomorrow Saturday the national board and leaders of regional IOGT districts have an emergency meeting, on how to handle the crisis, i.e. all the criticism (from you and others). There are regional chairs demanding that the Board resigns and that Åke Green should be reinstated.
I am off to Paris in an hour, back in Sweden on Wednesday night.
Au revoir,
Mats Tunehag
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